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in their midstの例文


  • but to the chinese in their midst
  • knowing that tolstoy was in their midst
  • i also told them i think that you're the traitor in their midst .
    兄貴がmi6内部の 裏切り者だと思うと伝えた
  • i also told them i think that you're the traitor in their midst .
    兄貴がMI6内部の 裏切り者だと思うと伝えた
  • so there is a traitor in their midst .
  • these two officers are completely unaware of the monster in their midst .
    この2人の警官は全く気がつかない 紛れ込んでいるモンスターに
  • my friends are upset because they're discovered a traitor in their midst .
    彼らが発見したから 私の友人は動揺してる 彼らの中の裏切り者
  • and the waters of the world gathered together , and in their midst emerged dry land .
    世界の水が一カ所に集まり 真ん中に陸地が出現した
  • lady stark thought it might insult the royal family to seat a bastard in their midst .
    スターク婦人は 私が王室を侮辱すると思ってる 私生児が座るのを 嫌われた
  • i called you here today ... because the people of gotham deserve to know that there's a serial killer in their midst .
    今日 電話があった... ゴッサムの人々は知る権利がある 連続殺人犯が警察を脅している